How do I enter an answer that a participant wrote outside of the question page.

Question managers can add answers on behalf of other users. This is relevant for example when receiving answers from participants in other channels, such as email, WhatsApp or phone calls.

In order to upload an answer on behalf of another participant, the following steps must be taken:

1. Enter the question: Enter the consultation question itself, and make sure we have a management permission (on the top right you can see the option to enter the management interface).

2. Go to the management interface: In the question itself, enter the management interface, by clicking on the link at the top right

.3. Going to the Add Answer interface: In the management interface, select the "Add Answer" option in the menu on the left.

4. Select a participant: In the Add Answer interface, you can select an existing participant, or add a new participant using an e-mail address.

5. Add an answer: After selecting the participant, type the answer and add it.

How do I enter an answer that a participant wrote outside of the question page.