Case Studies: What Other Organizations Ask

Your community can help you avoid mistakes. Here's how.

This is how our biggest park was planned with residents
Michal Hirsch-Negri, City Managaer, Raanana
Michal Hirsch-Negri
City Manager of Raanana
This Is How We Designed a Green Route In The City Of Berlin
Torsten Kühne, Pankow District Council, City of Berlin
Torsten Kühne
Pankow District Council, City of Berlin
This is How We Planned Our Future Community Life in Dornbirn
Andrea Kaufmann, Mayor of Dornbirn
Andrea Kaufmann
Mayor of Dornbirn
This Is How We Thought of Better Community Life In Berlin
Philipp Bouteillier, CEO Tegel Projekt GmbH
Philipp Bouteillier
CEO Tegel Projekt GmbH
This Is How We Developed Guidelines For Civic Participation
Panagiotis Paschalis, Dezernent für Bürgerbeteiligung, Stadt Wuppertal, Germany
Panagiotis Paschalis
Dezernent für Bürgerbeteiligung
This Is How We Designed Strategy For Public Transportation
Meir Chen, Director of the Department of Public Transportation
Meir Chen
Director of the Department of Public Transportation
This is How We Designed Governing Rules with Stakeholders
Susanne Salz, Founder of United Actors
Susanne Salz
Gründerin United Actors
This Is How We Decentralized Authority To Schools
Shmuel Abuav, Director General, the Israeli Ministry of Education
Shmuel Abuav
Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Education
This Is How We Made Our “Future Congress" Inclusive
Oliver Lorenz, CEO, Wegweiser GmbH
Oliver Lorenz
Wegweiser GmbH
This Is How We Designed Israel's Green Growth Policy
Alona Sheffer, former Director General of the Ministry of Environmental Protection
Alona Sheffer
Former Director General of the Ministry of Environmental Protection
This Is How We Got More Applicants By Listening To Students
Prof. Matthew Braham, Philosophy & Economics Program Coordinator, University of Bayreuth
Matthew Braham
Philosophy & Economics Program Coordinator, University of Bayreuth
This Is How We Boosted Conference Participants Engagement
TheMarker Leadership Team
TheMarker Leadership Team
TheMarker Leadership Team
This Is How We Found What Is Needed to Close Feedback Loops
Dennis Whittle, Director, Feedback Labs
Dennis Whittle
Director, Feedback Labs
This Is How We Increased Community Involvement By Asking
Moshe (Kosha) Pakman, CEO of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
Moshe (Kosha) Pakman
CEO of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
This is How We Designed Plans for Digitization in Altmark
Carsten Wulfänger, Head of the District Authority, Stendal District
Carsten Wulfänger
Head of the District Authority, Stendal District
This Is How We Introduced Organic Waste Recycling
Ron Hulday, Mayor of Tel-Aviv
Ron Hulday
Mayor of Tel-Aviv
This Is How We Improved The US Passport Renewal Process
Carl Siegmund, Customer Experience Team Leader, Passport Services, U.S. Department of State
Carl Siegmund
U.S. Department of State
How We Changed The Experience Of Applying For Benefits
Prof. Shlomo Mor-Yosef, Former Director General of the Israeli National Insurance Institute
Prof. Shlomo Mor-Yosef
Former CEO of Israel's National Insurance Institute
This Is How We Helped Improve Learning From Home
Shmuel Abuav, Director General, the Israeli Ministry of Education
Shmuel Abuav
Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Education
This Is How We Pursued Social Inclusion Of Ethiopian Jews
Benjamin Netanyahu, Former Prime Minister of Israel
Benjamin Netanyahu
Former Prime Minister of Israel
This is how we developed our policy with party members
Josef Lentsch, Director of NEOS Lab
Josef Lentsch
Director NEOS Lab
This Is How Students Helped Us Build Their Student Cabinet
Hannah & Evan, Hillel International
Hannah & Evan
Hillel International
This Is How We Planned Inclusive Digitization In Germany
Brigitte Mohn, Member of the Executive Board, Bertelsmann Stiftung
Brigitte Mohn
Member of the Executive Board, Bertelsmann Stiftung
This is How We Designed Our Future Youth Center
Wilfried Berchtold, Mayor of Feldkirch
Wilfried Berchtold
Mayor of Feldkirch
This Is How We Designed A National Energy Efficiency Policy
Shaul Meridor, Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Energy
Shaul Meridor
Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Energy
This is How We Discovered New Recycling Strategies
Bob Gedert, Director, Austin Resource Recovery
Bob Gedert
Director, Austin Resource Recovery
This Is How We Improved The Experience Of Learning
Uri Reshtik, Chairman, National union of israeli Students
Uri Reshtik
Head of the National Students Union
This is how we defined our strategy for sustainable growth
Christian Schmidt, Minister of Food and Agriculture, Federal Government of Germany
Christian Schmidt
Minister of Food and Agriculture
This Is How We Defined Schools KPIs With Principals
Michal Cohen, Director General, Israeli Ministry of Education
Michal Cohen
Director General of the Ministry of Education
This Is How We Designed A Strategy For Healthy Eating
Moshe Bar Siman Tov, Director of the Israeli Health Ministry
Moshe Bar Siman Tov
Director of the Israeli Health Ministry
This Is How We Made 1776 The Best Place To Work
Caroline Walsh, Former Operations ManageR, 1776
Caroline Walsh
Former Operations Manager, 1776